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Top 5 types of cats

 Top 10 types of cats

For every person who prefers a type of cat, there are small and large 

ones, and there are thick hair, little hair and no hair at all, among 

them the shy, and among them a lot of play and movement. There 

are countless types of cats, but this list is for the 10 best cats 

available to own, and this list will provide you with complete  

details about the species to own the right cat for you and your family.

1.Asian cat

Top 5 types of cats

A relative of the Siamese this cat has very large ears and a strong 

personality. The Asian is a very intelligent and sociable cat and will 

form a strong bond with his mates. This cat is very loyal and loves  

to play too. His graceful body does not show the strength of this cat, 

but appearances deceive him because the Asiatic is so strong that his 

voice strengthens with him and his behavior is similar to that of a 

dog. With a weight ranging from 4 to 6 kilograms, this cat has a life 

span of up to 15 years and is also prone to dental problems, kidney 

problems and liver problems in old age.

2.American Shorthair Cat

Top 5 types of cats

This sport cat is descended from the British shorthair cat, but is 

larger, more flexible and more powerful than the British shorthair 

cat. This cat comes in a variety of colors and types, and its lifespan  

is very long, ranging from 15 to 20 years, which is something that is 

considered very normal for this cat. This cat is considered very 

excellent for children and is also suitable for dogs if you are a dog 

owner. This type of cat is very healthy, gentle and easy to deal with 

and does not require strong monitoring and styling is not a dilemma 

for this cat, whose weight ranges between 4 to 8 kg, and the males 

are larger Size also.

3.Pharaonic cat

Top 5 types of cats

This mythical cat is considered one of the strange species as it is 

hairless, but it is not completely hairless. It has very small hairs, 

which makes it very strange to touch, which makes it very sensitive 

to the sun and working, which classifies it under the domestic cat. 

This cat with large ears is very tender and compassionate, as he 

enjoys coming to you and relaxing with you on your bed. A branch 

cat is a beautiful and strange thing for any family to have. Its weight 

ranges between 6 to 9 kg.

4.Siamese cat

Top 5 types of cats

They are usually very affectionate and intelligent, famous for their 

social nature, and are usually active and cheerful, some describe 

them as a dog in behavior more than other cats. Some of this type 

has a very loud sound, like babies crying, and some very low. 

Siamese come in a variety of colors but have dark spots on the face, 

ears, paws, and tail.

5.Abyssinian cat

Top 5 types of cats

One of the oldest cat breeds, the Abyssinian cat is very similar to the 

ancient Egyptian cat, with large pointed ears and slender legs. He  

has an intense desire to explore and play outside, his love for games 

matches his love for water, he considers the Abyssinian despite his 

love for exploration but he is shy and cautious towards strangers, it 

may not be suitable for you this type of cats If you like to show your 

cat to others, he has more affiliation to the calm place and feels it 


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